05 February 2010

Make Your Plans-I Hear A Rustle Outside!

"At present we are on the outside of the world, the wrong side of the door. We discern the freshness and purity of the morning, but they do not make us fresh and pure. We cannot mingle with the splendours we see. But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the rumour that it will not always be so. Some day, God willing, we shall get in." (CS Lewis, “The Weight of Glory”)
Of what use are dreams? Some would say dreams inspire us, and some would say they bring us opportunities and adventures and such things. I think dreams so useful - they serve as touchstones for our better longings.  Just as in this temporal world we have dreams and as these dreams materialize, and the worthy hopes are completed, so it is with the expression of our spiritual longings. I think it's spiritually healthy to have dreams for what we wish life together with God will be for us. I am not talking about idle wishing, but a healthy mental activity which has us storing and making withdrawls on a storehouse of dreams. Doing so can only aid us as we live looking forward to the great Reunion Day.
When I was a bit younger I used to dream of the many things. I dreamt of the time when I would buy a new sofa, when we would get a new car, to see our first baby. I would dream of a full night of sleep, of no more baby food, and the end to diapers. I dreamt of beginnings: of his first words, his walk, of him playing outside with friends, and of him having a sibling. As they were fulfilled, I added more dreams: of the time my children would bathe themselves, play sports, finish homework, have friends to dinner, have dates, find their own dreams, their own lives and their own spouses.
What comprises my dreams of my spiritual future? Obviously, it has to be based in fact, first, but that is the genius of God's revelation. He's given us only a sketch of what is required: the rest we can fill in. 
What do I dream of--well, some of it is the removal of certain things such as the agonies of disappointments, of loneliness, hurts and tears, of pain, and of sicknesses and serious problems-and minor frustrations. But I have positive visions as well.
I dream of no longer being a child in understanding: no more glass, darkly; no more half-formed visions, no more fears, anxieties or cloudy pools. I dream of a time when I will be emotionally and spiritually whole: no more mixed motives, shadows in my heart, or impulses for wrongdoing.
I dream of playing in God’s Great House, I dream of sharing my meals with my brothers and sisters. I dream of great laughter and comfort. I also dream I have great skill. I dream that my inward vision is clear. I dream that senses that can be used (now half-formed) are alive in the eternal, fertile Spring of His life. I dream of speaking to Him the way I try to now. I dream of understanding Him. I dream and I hope for the day my heart will be entwined in His love. I dream of the day when His Living Temple is complete – and this little living stone (me) is lovingly restored to its perfectly formed place.

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